Friday, December 16, 2005


Went to the quarry with the dogs. It was cold today but the sun was bright. Wish I had brought my camera but I haven’t quite mastered walking two dogs yet, let alone walking two dogs while trying to take pictures. I had kept them on the leash since last Wednesday because of their incisions but today I let them off and they ran and they ran and they ran. It was a joy to watch. At one point they disappeared around a small hill and when I whistled for them, Bow immediately came flying over the top at a full gallop (do dogs gallop?) - her white and tan coat blending in with the snow and she was gorgeous, like a small artic wolf and then Cinnamon appeared with her ears up and her tail wagging and it dawned on me, I have some really fine looking dogs. Annie was beautiful too but these dogs almost look like they’re purebred they are so proportional – nice straight legs, big paws, pretty faces. And they’re nice dogs – even the vet commented on their personalities. It was a big decision taking both – my mother in law never calls without asking Greg - what was she (meaning me) thinking getting two dogs. But it is working out well. Cinnamon sleeps with Erin every night. I peek in sometimes to see them both resting on the same pillow. Bow, much to Monica’s dismay, prefers to sleep on the mat by the front door. I think she likes the draft that wafts in from the bottom. A Husky thing I guess? Anyway, I am now totally in love with both of them. I like the extra warmth they bring to this house.

I also thought I would include a story here that I kind of finished. It didn’t quite happen the way I wanted it too but then again which one ever did? It turned out a little too light and corny in some spots– not quite what I was trying for. I was Christmas shopping the other day and I was kind of wandering somewhat aimlessly through one of those big mother of all bookstores – I spent a half an hour in the fantasy section, a half an hour in the children’s section, about three quarters of an hour in the writing section – became a little excited over all the books on writing but I don’t have any idea which ones are the essential ones. I think I might suggest to Greg to get me, The Element of Style for a Christmas present. I could use a little style.


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