Friday, November 18, 2005


I’m not sure what happened this morning but everything kind of spun out of control for an hour or so until I wanted to run screaming from the house. It started out the same as any other morning except Erin had swim class and she couldn’t find her bathing suit and so I helped her look for it for twenty minutes until I came to the realization that there was a better than 75% chance that it was, and still is, in a plastic bag at the bottom of her locker for the past week, no doubt growing a nice layer of mildew. On top of that she wanted me to review math with her because she has a test today and she gets so anxious before a test but when we sat down to do that, Monica, who is feeling so much better, had to take advantage of her sister’s current frazzled state by egging her which started a major yelling match between the two and meanwhile the dogs are running about the house sounding more like a herd of elephants than two small puppies and no, I wasn’t at all in any mood to deal with things efficiently and so I’m getting worked up, trying to do five things at once and then here comes Greg, who seems never to be touched by the morning chaos in this household , and he gives me a bit of a look as he calmly gets ready for work and heads out the door with his coffee and briefcase. It was all I could do not to leap through the air and tackle him to the ground just to make sure he was not an apparition belonging to some other dimension. The dimension where the truly organized souls dwell untouched by those of us who are constantly pulling our hair out in the chaotic realm. Anyway, by the time I walked Monica to school and the dogs over to the dog park I was much better. The ground now is hardening and the puddles have frozen over and the dogs who are a bit more frisky in the cooler weather ran about the park with their buddies, the ones they have bonded with nicely over the past month and who regularly show up every morning at this time. They love going there and I do too. I enjoy the conversations with the other dog owners and the fresh air always acts like a second cup of coffee for me and by the time I get back here, I am ready to settle into a morning routine, get a little work done (well sometimes).

The Harry Potter movie is out this weekend. Monica wants to go tonight but I’m trying hard to avoid the opening weekend. We finally found the right general contractor for us and a great cabinet guy and they’re ready to start on our kitchen next week. Cutting it really short but we’re hoping to have a brand new kitchen by Christmas. Why not add a bit more madness to the mayhem around here but hopefully the dust will all settle by January and I’ll have a dishwasher and more counter and cupboard space and maybe then I will get organized and join Greg in his world.


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