Thursday, October 13, 2005

animal farm

Just got back from the vet’s office with Lucky. The other night Erin said, “What is this big bump on Lucky’s back.” And she pressed it a little and the poor cat jumped about thirty feet. So, off I went with Lucky in her little green carrier to the vets this afternoon and he said it was an abscess that was probably the result from another cat biting her. Anyway she is on antibiotics and hopefully will be well quickly. I feel like I have a farm now with all these animals. The poor little degu (a birthday present for Erin about three years ago) has been demoted to basement dweller. I water, feed and clean his cage but for the most part I forget sometimes we have him. A degu is a little Chilean rat. Something Erin had to have and promised to love until the day it died but that loving feeling lasted about a year and now I’m stuck caring for the little guy. Beware of giving pets as gifts to kids unless you already came to terms with the likelihood of becoming this animal’s main caregiver.

So what else can I write about? I found this site and have been spending a great deal of time reading about writers who actually write. Who differ greatly from me because I spend far too much of my time reading about writers than writing. After a little confusion I also found out what WIP means -- I think I may start using that wonderful acronym. If you have seven lines does that constitute a WIP? It also crossed briefly through my mainly vacant mind that maybe I should put my blog there but then I thought I can’t put a blog title like mine on that page. They might think I’m a Lizzy Borden wantabe. Maybe I should change my title to behind the pen, or behind the mountain of laundry, or behind but trying to catch up.

It’s down in the cellar, behind the ax. That was Greg’s grandmother’s answer for anything that went missing. That’s why I named my blog that but really too most it must sound a little creepy. Thinking about it now, I don’t think I would click on a link that read behind the ax… things we learn in a brief moment of clarity.


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