All better now. I love Christmas but for me it's always a little difficult getting through the holidays. A few of my demons like to surface around this time and take over my headspace. I mean I use demons for lack of a better word. They are pretty demure demons. I guess one person’s demon may be another persons dream life but you know – these lads come surfacing anyway and frig me up. When I said I want to live better -- I was trying to say – I want to be a better person. And I want to live in the present more, in the now. I get too caught up in my past sometimes and I then put it to the future to redeem myself and anyway it leaves my head completely congested with no room for what I should be concentrating on. Family, friends, the next five minutes. What I am trying to say is that I am the last person who should complain about anything. So, enough of that.
I was thinking about what to do with this blog. I think I'll try to get off my personal life and focus it more on my two favorite pastimes - books and writing. I don’t know quite how to go about this yet? But maybe quotes for inspiration, attempting a book review or two, putting up the odd creative exercise, directing traffic to writing articles, ezines and blogs with outstanding short stories, poetry, prose? Maybe I will include a new word every now and then that I come across while reading? Share my discovery of it. You know, just anything to do with books and writing. It will not be a professional writing site by any stretch – but I read, I write, and want to share.
Greg has his own server now, so I think I’ll even attempt to make my own website. Why not? I still have dreamweaver and I did take a HTML course once upon a time. How brave I feel when facing a whole new year.
Yesterday I took Monica to Narnia. Now for some reason I didn’t have a great desire to see the movie and kept putting it off every time poor Monica approached me with going but I really enjoyed it. And of course so did Monica. She is becoming quite the fantasy enthusiast. Lots to do today. Having friends over for supper and maybe a game of Cranium afterwards (A Christmas gift) We (Greg, Erin, Monica and I) played it Christmas evening and thought it was great fun. We are also invited to a house Party tomorrow to celebrate New Years and I have to go buy an outfit. I must have mentioned before that I hate shopping. Especially for clothes, especially for me. Well I guess hate is a strong word, I dislike shopping but besides jeans and hoodies I have absolutely nothing to wear to this party. And the dogs chewed up my only pair of decent shoes, which leaves me with a pair of boots and a pair of running shoes. Should be some sales still happening?? (Ok that is my last babble) Happy New Year!!
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