Tuesday, November 21, 2006


This is the time of year I sit myself down and make lists. I know I have a fair amount of things I need/wish to accomplish before the holidays and so instead of buckling right down and getting things done, I rather make lists of the things to be done. Some may call it organization; I call it a stalling tactic.

On my immediate list
Wash my dogs (today for sure)
Make an appointment for their annual vet check up (poor Lucky is due too but I am going to save hers until after the holidays, simply because she’s not in the budget this month)
Finish up about another three hours of accounting ( my mistakes) (today for sure)
Finish up a small power point and a small page layout job I’m doing (for the same person) (Tomorrow)
Laundry (today for sure, they are beginning to complain about the lack of clean clothes here)

On my before Christmas list
Make a short movie of Erin and Monica from the ton of video we collected over the years, put it on mdialogue and send it out to family members (mainly as a gift to the grandparents) and for me to see if I can figure out how to edit all that film and of course to show off Greg’s application. Some of our friends have made short movies and sent invitations for us to view and they were well done. A friend from Germany made a beautiful short film about her dog and our friends here made a sweet short film of their daughter’s first bike ride. I was so impressed I want to try it.
Gift shopping for my family back east and send out the parcels before the second week of December.
Gift shop for the girls and Greg
I also need to find a nice white shirt to go with my dress slacks because we are invited to the Nutcracker.
Of course I need to clean the house – not just the day-to-day stuff but also the fridge, stove, cupboards. I would love to put another coat of white on the baseboards – I should do that soon
And I can’t forsake my writing or my jogging and I want to spend at least two days baking this year – bread, cookies, a cake, muffins ---

I know this doesn’t look like a big list but I’m already feeling anxious because what usually takes most people a week to do, takes me about a month. I blame it on my contemplative nature or the fact that I’m lazy to the bone. (either/or)

Anyway, those dogs aren’t going to wash themselves, so I best stop now. I bought some all-natural lilac scented dog shampoo for them. I know they won’t appreciate it though, much preferring the scent of dead, decaying things they find in the Quarry to roll around in.


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