Thursday, September 21, 2006


Monica had forty dollars in her wallet for a pair of jeans. The ones she wanted were at a place not too far from her school and so she was going to purchase them at lunch time. Instead she comes home with a hard cover copy of New Moon by Stephanie Meyer.

It was only two weeks ago that I drew her attention to the first book of the series called twilight and that was by accident. We were in a bookstore looking for a birthday gift for one of her friends and I had pulled down twilight as a suggestion.

“What is it about?” Monica asked


“She doesn’t like Vampires.”

So we kept looking but Monica turned to me at one point and asked. “Can we get Twilight to read together?”


So, we buy it and we read the first few chapters that night but the next evening I am a little busy to read with her and so she asked, “Can I keep reading on my own?”


She read for three days straight and at every meal she would tell us what was happening. She absolutely loved it. Of course when she finished it she came and asked immediately if she could get the next one and I said, “No, it is in hard cover still. But maybe for Christmas.”

And so when she comes home with this book I’m a little disappointed. “You realize I am not replacing your jean money and so you have one pair of jeans and two sweat pants to make it to Christmas on.

“I know.”

“A pair of jeans would of taking you through the winter – that book will be finished in a week.”

“I know. But I think she is writing another one.”


Another moment I had with her was last night. I called out to her, “Monica, they have the trailor for Eragon up.”

So she comes running in to watch it with me on the computer. And she is silent for the whole thing and as soon as it is finished she says very disapprovingly. “They got it all wrong. I hate when they make a movie without reading the book.”

For some reason that struck me so funny.


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