Friday, August 18, 2006

shopping and stuff

Greg and Monica are in New York. I loved the phone message I received from Monica last evening.

“Hi mom just wanted to let you know that we had a safe flight and we are in New York and New York rocks my socks even though I’m not wearing any right now. So, you know, I love you, bye.”

Greg is down there on business and he took Monica. His friend’s girlfriend is going to show her some of the sights today. Which is very kind of her. Greg will have the weekend to show her the rest. Next trip he’ll take Erin. Erin and I did a little shopping yesterday. I purchased a new pair of runners. She got two pairs of jeans. We ordered out Chinese food for supper. It was a fun day, however when we ran to catch the subway I left her behind on the platform. The doors closed just as I got on. I swear, I thought she was right behind me. We met up again at our station and I apologized. How the parenting skills just continues to slack off with each added year. She is nearing fourteen now and oh my gosh, I have no idea how to parent a fourteen year old. Just like I had no idea on how to parent a thirteen year old. I count myself very fortunate because she does make it easier by not trying to grow up too fast. She appears a little younger than some of her friends, which right now I count as a good thing. She did ask to lighten her hair and so we finally purchased some dye but then she backed off. Decided to stick with her natural colour. And except for the nail polish she isn’t in to much garnish. Doesn’t need it anyway. When she starts high school , I know this may all change quickly. One of her friends just got her lip pierced. Ouch! These are a few of the things I don’t worry about at the present time which is just fine with me. I enjoyed yesterday. I guess she must get it from her dad but she has such an understated wit about her, some of her throw away one liners make me laugh so hard. Hanging out with her yesterday made me think of something I had jotted down a few years ago – when I was up early one morning in New Brunswick, sitting on the front step of our small rented cottage.

The river surges
it weaves, it abates
tangle free
near enough that I can hear
it swallowing the salt
the ocean feeds it.
At times it lags
in the song of gull,
Osprey and shag

gather thick here on the river
and though the screen door
I watch my daughter sleep.
She faces the panel wall
in morning’s oblique blaze
She is all leg and arm
And smells of sun and river clay
Tangle free
So near I can hear
the song of her


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