april showers
I had this amazing burst of energy for the better part of two weeks and got a lot accomplished. But now I am starting to fade again. Which isn’t good because Greg had just sent me an email with a list of new figures that he needs by tomorrow and I have a mountain of clean laundry sitting on the bed waiting to be folded. (I mean if laundry actually waits) and all these other piddly things. I love to know how writers find the time to write -
I have this little book that I jot things down in. Ideas that I think might grow into a short story or something and I swear, I have enough in that little book now to keep me busy forever. That is if I could get busy with it. Friday night I was at dinner with my in-laws and was listening to Greg’s dad tell this story about an incident in a small community up north (North West Territories) that took place in the 1950s and I couldn’t help but first think – wow, this would make a fine short story and then I thought No, it would make a better screen play and finally I wrote novel in brackets in my idea book – I got so excited about it I couldn’t fall to sleep the last few nights thinking about how I might go about it. But the thing is I would have to commit so much of myself to such an endeavor and the research that would be involved and --- but oh, it would be fun ---
Yesterday, I made a ceaser salad and lasagna for supper for Greg’s family and the girls and it turned out. I was still thinking about what to do for dessert about ten minutes before they arrived and ended up throwing together the ingredients for an apple crisp in about a minute and a half and even that turned out O.K. It was a nice evening. Also the dogs were well behaved. I think I might of actually looked collected in my mother-in-law’s eyes which would be a big first. I usually come off looking frantic.
And it just dawned on me this morning that Greg and I have an anniversary in two days. Fifteen years legal. I have no idea what I should get him. One year I wrote him a poem. It was God-awful but he liked it. Well, the poor guy couldn’t really say he didn’t? I think he would be happy if I manage to get this work done in a timely manner. So I will stop yammering on now.
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