Friday, March 24, 2006


Sorry about that last post. It didn’t make much sense. I am a bit manic these days. Greg’s parents are arriving on Thursday and I have yet to start hauling out the child size dust balls beneath the beds or clean the windows to let some spring sunshine into this mite infested house. However, I did clean the inside of my fridge and it is a glorious site to behold. The ketchup bottle glistens, the remaining yogurts have this year's date, the jam jar’s spillage has been wiped clean from the glass, and every shelf shines like a fine jewel. But will this be enough to satisfy my in laws? I think not. Even from here I can hear their inner dialogue, “Our poor, hard working son married to that lazy sod.”
No they wouldn’t say that but it is how I feel right now. Actually I get along with Greg’s mom. I don’t think in the beginning I would have been her first choice for her son but I think we grew on each other over the years. I remember the second or third time I met her. It was in her kitchen and the first thing she did was hand me a pair of my nylons and say, “these must be yours, I found them behind the cushions of my GOOD couch.”
Talk about fall through the floor time. It’s not a long story. My brother’s wedding, several drinks, his home was not far from the Reception hall. But hey it is twenty years later and I shouldn’t be so panic stricken that my in laws are coming.

Greg and Monica went off to ski for a couple of days. I would have gone but for the dogs. Erin didn’t want to go. So, we are going to rent a movie tonight, order out – have some daughter- mother time.

Anyway, the dogs are whining at me in stereo for their walk. I am making progress with work and I ended up finishing that short story. It’s not very good but at this stage I figure my writing is like my cooking. Some times I fluke out and get it right but that is only after I burn about ten lasagnas or half bake several apple pies. One of these days I will end up with a decent story, I just got to keep getting them down.


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