Wednesday, March 01, 2006

wednesday already

I am having an interesting week. First, I thought I was having this cathartic episode on Saturday thinking I could find all my unanswered questions regarding my mother through the poetry of Anne Sexton. But I was finally able to give my head a shake and move on from that. But then Neil Young’s movie (concert) had me pining for roots. He just seemed so personably as he sang about family and dogs and guitars. You can almost smell the earth his music makes you want to get down and touch -- Afterwards, I came up here just to sit for awhile, digest my day, think on things. And I ended up just staring out at the street light -- through the slats of my blinds and through the bare branches of the elm. A hard circular border of light encased the lamp’s inner softness keeping the night from touching it. And in between the elm and this light, snowflakes found their way earthward. The light giving each white flake angel like properties. I am continually amazed at how individuals can reach us through their music, through their placement of words, through their ability to expose themselves so completely. Anne Sexton almost had me spiraling down darkened corridors and had me willingly wanting to go there but Neil Young pulled me back, sat me down and put everything right. All in one day.

And then on Sunday, a Husky who got a bit over protective of his tennis ball attacked Bow. She got a gash in her lip but it is healing well. However that incident kind of ruined my Sunday and Bow’s too. And then there was Erin’s project. I don’t know how many boxes of jello she went through? Jell-O isn’t as easy a medium as it may appear but Erin and I both agree that endoplasmic reticulum is a great sounding word. And although it’s easy to pronounce it makes you feel smart anyway. Similar to Leptictidium, that small prehistoric mammal.

Monday I volunteered for a field trip Monica’s class was taking to the city’s core to see a performance by the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. I enjoyed it – however, it is not an easy job making sure the group of children you are assigned to get on and off the crowded subways. And I am not use to dealing with young boys – those wild little things were swinging off the subway poles and wrestling and pushing each other and only one of them appeared to know what “stay with the group” meant. But that being said I was amazed at how quiet they were through the performance and it was touching when the children got a chance to play their recorders along with the symphony.
And yesterday I actually did some actual work (meaning I’ll get paid for it) and I also got a nice surprise when an east coast webzine sent me an email requesting permission to reprint a little piece I wrote in 2003 – they are finally going to start a print version of their magazine this spring (a quarterly) and wanted to include some of the older stuff. They’ll send me a contributor’s copy of the issue. I was really pleased about that.

Anyway, Monica just came in for lunch must go.


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