Friday, February 24, 2006

hair cut

I finally got my hair cut and coloured. For a while there yesterday afternoon, I felt all (how did Tom Waits say it?) shiny like a new dime. It has been over a year since I had it cut last. Oh my gosh, is this all l I can come up with? – a hair cut.

Well, there is this friend of Greg’s (and mine too due to my association with Greg) who had a showing last evening of her work. Greg went to it. Really likes her stuff. It is abstract (horizons and oceans). – I know so little about art but I would say her strength is in the way she blends colour. Very striking.
I remember a conversation I had with her a few years ago where she mentioned that all she wanted was to be able to spend more time with her brushes and her canvas. But it was difficult for her because of the amount of time she had to spend at work. So I am happy that she found a way. I hope she finds enough success to paint full time. I think that is what most creative souls want – just enough success to make it their primary source of work.

Why I didn’t go? I wanted to. Greg was a little upset that I didn’t want to accompany him. See, Greg has four or five different groups of friends that he enjoys and keeps company with. This group happens to be a handful of very creative people. Writers and visual artists and well, quite frankly, I’m scared to death of them. Not that I have any reason to be – they are very nice people but I guess the thing is I always feel small and uneducated around them. And so of course because I don’t wish to feel that way I would often in the past drink excessively when near them thus making that small and uneducated factor a lot more warranted. How to win friends and influence people – NOT!

Anyway, if she ever puts up a website I will display the URL so you can have a look at her work.


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