Thursday, August 11, 2005


Monica is in sailing camp for the next two weeks. It is a day camp so I take her down every morning by streetcar and then I walk home along the beach and through the park and up the hill. This is the first morning that the sun didn’t have to fight its way through a ceiling of smog. However, smog or no smog, I have been enjoying these walks but it was definitely nicer this morning looking across the lake with out that haze hanging over it. It takes me about forty minutes to walk home. When I was walking slowly up through the park and under the shade of the trees, I couldn’t help marveling at all the fit joggers and bikers going by. I do feel a little guilty that I had jogged maybe three times since that 10k. I know I will start up again eventually but I wish I could be more consistent.

I might not be jogging but I have been writing quite a bit the last few weeks. Some of it I like, some of it I don’t but I ‘m happy to be getting it down on paper. A lot of things are getting neglected around her because of my writing but that’s O.K. The girls have been doing their own thing anyway, so I’m not feeling too guilty about the extra time I been spending on my stories. Actually, I’m having a lot of fun and am feeling rather productive. Like I just knitted a sweater or something.

Each day now I am bringing in armfuls of tomatoes from my garden. Cucumbers too but I have so many tomatoes, I don't know what to do with them all. I have been trying to incorporate them into every meal but it’s getting harder. The girls are rebelling. Yesterday Greg just sliced a few, tossed them around in olive oil, basil and pepper and placed thin slices of mozzarella cheese over them and they were delicious that way. I love growing food –there is something so satisfying about bringing it in, from your garden to your table.


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