Wednesday, January 05, 2005

slowing down

I had promised myself I would exercise this morning and it is already 9 but I wanted to write a little first. Last night I had spent some time with my short story (the one I started in September) and it dawned on me that I hadn’t thought of or written anything the whole month of December. I didn’t even realize I had missed this pastime until I spent an hour at it last night. I felt like I actually accomplished something even if it was only a few paragraphs and a little rewriting. I like making up stuff. I always did. When I was a kid my family would call this activity I liked so much - lying! But on paper I guess it's called story telling. Add a university degree and the right grammar and I guess you can call it being a fiction writer. I’ll stick to storyteller for now. Half way there. It's the non-fiction parts of my life that I am finding troublesome to write about. I skirt around things. I have a hard time describing my reality. Well, in my journals, it is a little different because I don’t have to worry over what I say and how I say it but on this on line journal – I feel I need to keep the restraints on - I don’t want to come off some days appearing completely wacko. And a lot of my past I want to keep private and it is hard to describe where I'm at now without including other parts of my journey. So, why did I start this blog? I am beginning to question that. I thought I had so much to say at the beginning – I was full of the East Coast then and wanted to describe what I felt and I was finding such enjoyment journeying through other people’s blogs that it just seemed like a good idea to start my own. I am glad I did because if I didn’t I would never have met RN and Sam. And through RNs site I had found many other great blogs that I visit and on Whisky River’s list of blogs – oh man – so many great reads. It all becomes quite addictive after awhile though and I find I spend many moments throughout my day checking out various blogs – Did they post anything? Oh, not yet - O. K. maybe now? Or perhaps now? I feel like I'm stalking half of these people.

Anyway, I feel I should post less frequently, maybe travel the blog world less - once or twice a week instead of every day and focus more of my spare time on getting my short stories readable. I think I will use my blog for my photo’s (once I learn how not to over expose everything with this new camera) and for the things that come along that I have a strong need to share and of course if I have any luck with this story telling thing I will shout it as loud as I can.


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