Thursday, May 19, 2005

some sun

I finally got a hold of this week, which is pretty pathetic considering it is Thursday. Now I have two days to catch up on everything I neglected. Although I did get a lot of yard work done and I am finally seeing a moss green fuzz where I planted new grass seed and I removed a lot of dandelions. I’m going to buy tomatoes this weekend. My mother and father in law are coming up in June so I would love to have this place ship shape. They have two daughter- in-laws. One is out of this world efficient and then there is me. They just spent some time visiting the first one and really I don’t know what I can do to make this visit as pleasant for them. Note to self…just don’t panic. All said I am looking forward to their visit.

Then there is that race next Sunday. I went for a jog yesterday down by the water. It is beautiful down there but so many people. I didn’t have a route and didn’t know the distances so I just fell in stride behind this couple, who looked like they must jog 10 km on a regular basis. They didn’t know I was following because with each stride I was getting further and further behind but I could still see them in the distance so I kept to their route. They took me behind the marina where I have never been before and it was so lovely. Lots of ducks in the water and one lone cormorant flying above. The water was very blue and quiet, with a line of beautiful boats stretched across it, reflection and all. It was about then that I lost the couple and started running around in circles – I ended up jogging across a huge parking lot and back onto some familiar terrain and then home. I am pretty confident I will finish the race but now I am hoping I can do it in a time that isn’t too embarrassing. I am going to use Greg as my goal. I won’t be able to keep up with him but I am hoping to keep him in my sights and near enough that I can give a little push at the end to close the gap a little. (Sounds like I’m talking about the derby?)

Housework, jogging and reading, seems like all I do these days, that and hang out with the girls when they are not at school or with friends. However, I have been thinking all the time lately on how to jumpstart my life again and I'm making a promise to myself to get out of this rut once and for all and get myself on the right path.


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