Monday, March 21, 2005

can't stay away

Happy Spring! This is also the start of the girl’s March break. The snow has receded some although we did have a light dusting last night. The sun this morning is a creamy colour in a hazy sky. The trees all remain bare of limb and there seems to be a small sparrow sitting casually in every third branch. It’s pretty but colour is still amazingly absent. Still mainly grey and brown – No wonder why that intensely red cardinal that has been hanging about the last month feels so important. He has been out there most days singing his sweet song from the highest branches, the only bright thing for miles. The girls came running up stairs the other day shouting it must be spring because the cardinal’s mate is back and they’ re like getting it on out there. The last couple of weeks we have also noticed a grey dove, who is just hanging about, calling out over and over in his low flute voice – we figure he is also a male looking for his spring love. We didn’t see a robin yet but I hope the first one we spot is a big, healthy one who can easily handle all our wishes.

The girls are already calling for me – it will be a fun week but I won’t be able to write much which irks me just a little because I finally started up again and want to do nothing but – instead they’re asking me to take them to a mall today. Not just any mall but one clear across town. I can see this being an all day adventure.
Greg is happy because he landed some great seats at the U2 concert this September. He was manly enough not to hop up and down but you could tell he wanted to.

I know I was going to take more of a break from blogging but I like writing in my blog – hopefully once that spring sun wakes me up a bit more, I will actually have something to say.

And I received my first rejection note back. It was very fair. She said, “We regret, however, that we have decided to pass on your story. While I really enjoyed the descriptions of the land/setting and the background of Casey’s life, ultimately I felt there was too much of it and it really slowed the story down.”

She was right; I spent three pages describing a field. I really got to take more time reading my stuff over before sending it off!


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