Thursday, September 02, 2004

the fence wars

It is such a beautiful day here and I am finally, with still a little reluctance, making the transition back into city life. It is so great to go home but it makes the city harder to come back too. Our neighbours are up in arms over the fence we are building. The fence I wanted for eight years and finally can afford and now we are hearing comments like the Berlin Wall is going up and that we are smiling Barracudas?? The thing is, they wanted to replace the wire fence, we wanted a wood (privacy) fence- it seemed we couldn’t agree, and so my husband and I are putting up the fence we want on our side. It does box them in and maybe we could have tried harder to come to a compromise, not saying we went about it perfectly but it's going up and it's one of those little things about city life that bothers me. We are all so on top of each other that the actions of one often infringes on another. Such is the joys of city dwelling. Now, my husband argues this happens just as frequently in rural areas and perhaps it does, I just don’t remember needing my privacy there as much as I crave it here.


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