Friday, August 27, 2004

writing prompt

Since February, i believe, I have been attempting Onion Boy's daily writing prompts in my private journal. I try not to think too long on them. I just write down the first thoughts that come to me. it is a great exercise and I appreciate that he puts these prompts on his site. Today's prompt is the feel of her knuckle

The feel of her knuckle, tiny ridges of skin like a minuscule furrowed field, makes me want to bend her finger to smooth it out. But I don’t. I take my hand away from hers and reach for the book once again that is lying between us on her small single bed. We are both propped up by pillows, her thick unruly hair that is still damp from her bath smells of rosemary and youth.

I should comb it before she falls asleep to avoid tangles in the morning but instead I turn to the page that is marked by her green frog bookmarker. I hand the book to her. It is her turn to read. She takes it, smiles and begins. We both love the book. We love hating Professor Umbridge and are waiting patiently for her to get her just desserts. I look around the room as she reads and hope this room is comfortable for her. That she feels at home here always. It could use a coat of paint or at least I should do the trim over, try to hide the mistakes I had made when I had painted it last. Slips and spots of blue here and there on the white ceiling, on the white trim. She reads on. Her voice is clear and carefree like it should be. I listen and feel fortunate, like it should be.


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