Come away threads
Wearing crowns and soft sashes
they borrow all moments
until debt piles up in the dark
they tread on the edge
just to sway on its seams
and blush dabs of sweet peach
on their cheeks
the beer is consumed
unbent from the box until
night desists with contempt
and still the lightest of laugher
erupts from the shadows
while tiny cherubs fill their tongues
acrimonious tea rests in cups
of dark stains and dishes
pile up in the sink
dust motes push out
to escape from their welt
and mascara stays thick on the lash
they borrow tears from reptilians
to dance with the doctors
to beg for diludid
to bolster the breath of each day
just to continue to pull
on that come away thread
from the edge they're
so balanced upon
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